How to Protect Yourself Online
The Internet and the information it connects to is a resource that many have come to depend upon. Facts that once might have taken several days to locate in a research library can now be obtained instantaneously using your personal computer or even a handheld wireless device. Individuals can publish to a world wide audience, mix up previously existing content to form new creations, or act as curators, sharing with friends the best new content found on the Internet. Because almost anyone with a computer or wireless device can connect to the Internet, however, some bad actors have found ways to use it to cause harm. Several US Government agencies, including the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), and non-profit organizations have joined in an effort to provide consumers useful, easy-to-understand information on Internet safety that can be found at This guide summarizes some of this valuable information.
Spam (and what it can lead to)
Spam is online junk mail, which is inconvenient and wastes time. Spam can change from annoying to malicious if spam emails, or anything attached to them, steal personal information (spyware) or work to disrupt your personal computer or wireless device by implanting viruses or worms (malware). Some malware can integrate your computer into a network to distribute spam, turning it into a zombie that becomes part of a botnet Ways you can reduce spam include:
Look for an email provider with strong anti-spam filtering capability. You don't have to use the email service provided by your Internet Service Provider (ISP), the company from which you purchase your access to the Internet, but can chose an independent email service. One way email providers compete for your business is to provide better filtering capability. You can also talk to your provider if you think spam filtering could be improved.
Some email spam filters have settings that can be changed to make them stronger. Check your filter to be sure it's set where you want it to be. If you have questions about changing settings, contact your email provider.
Identify unwanted spam with the spam button. Many email services allow you to select spam email, and then push a spam button to identify it as unwanted email. Use this button if you have it, because it lets your email provider know what email you don't want.
Email settings also allow you to prevent images such as logos and pictures from automatically displaying when you open an incoming email. Open images can contain malware and spyware and let spammers know their emails have been opened, and thus that the emails have been sent to a valid address.
Set your email so that it doesn't automatically accept incoming appointments or automatically download attachments, again so that you don't let spammers know the email has been sent to a valid address.
Try to limit sending or displaying your email address to people or groups you know. Check the privacy policy before sending your address to a Web site or directory, and, if you can, opt out of allowing your address to be shared.
Protect your friends' addresses by putting them on the bcc line when sending emails to a group of people who don't know each other.
Consider using two email addresses, one for personal mail, and one for correspondence with companies or groups that you deal with regularly.
Never respond to spam.
The Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing (CAN-SPAM) Act, a federal law, requires senders of commercial email to give you a return email address or other Internet-based response method to opt out of future emails. Senders must honor your opt out request within ten days, and cannot sell or transfer the email address in your opt out request unless the transfer is to allow another sender to comply with the Act. Find out more about the Act. You can report spam received on your computer to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) by sending a copy of the message to The CAN-SPAM Act also prohibits the sending of unwanted commercial messages to wireless devices using an Internet address without prior authorization.
Ways you can control spyware and malware that may come with spam are:
Install anti-virus and anti-spyware software, which scans incoming emails and files for problems, and keep it up to date. This software may come pre-installed on a new computer or device, can be downloaded from your ISP or software company websites, or purchased in retail stores. Because bad actors continually come up with new viruses and spyware, your software needs to be updated regularly. Some software updates automatically.
Set your operating system software (such as Windows or an Apple computer operating system) to automatically download and install new security patches.
Be careful about opening attachments or downloading files; even if you think you know the sender. The cover email should mention the attachment and describe what's in it.
Download free software, including games and toolbars, only from sites you know and believe are genuine.
Use a firewall, which blocks all incoming communications from unauthorized sources, when connected to the Internet.